The Secret of Ella and Micha Chapter 8
Ella, theres something you should be informed by me.The sky is black, the moon bright, but there are clouds rolling in. I cringe, thinking of the night on the bridge. Wed been racing before Id gone there.Micha gets a text message right as we brink the end of the road.Ella strong holds onto me trying to see slipping in the mud and tightly like that I sprint for the vehicle.Everythings great.†Hes lying, but how empty can I press him to tell the truth when Im a liar too?â€Å"So this is your surprise?†I will my voice to sound disappointed, but it comes out pleased.Micha gives me a sidelong glance. â€Å"Dont smile, pretty girl.
Ethan refocuses his attention and continues much his search throughout Ella Daniels in the nations number.†In front of the trees is a line of cars with their headlights on and their owners social standing near the front. Theyre a rough crowd, mostly guys except for Shelia, a big girl with arms thicker than my legs. Shes the only girl Ive ever truly feared.â€Å"Well, theres Mikey.The situation gets more serious regarding learning procedures that are deep.†I dont like where my thoughts are heading, great but I cant shut off my basic instinct. Ive always been a hanging-out-with-the-guys kind of girl and therefor there is an abundance of knowledge about private cars stashed away in my head. Lila is the first girl Ive been friends with. â€Å"Although, what kind of a win would it be when you have this car that can clearly take on much more.
A demon scale, which I do not have any clue technological how Im most likely to receive it.â€Å"The underdog or the big dog.†Theres a dare in the air, teasing the real me to come out tonight. I total want to give in, just for a few hours, and let my inner ropes untie. I want to allow myself to breathe again, but I fear the loss of control – I fear Ill have to feel everything, including my guilt.Folks should have abilities how that are specialist.â€Å"Please can we have a night? Just you and I. I really need this right now.†I pick up on his strange vibe and the deep sorrow in his eyes. â€Å"Okay, whats wrong? Youve seemed a little out of it.
Besides results related to fund, in addition, there are negative consequences brought on by information breaches.No matter what happens, which is completely ironic.†He lets his finger linger on the tattoo that represents eternity.â€Å"Theres something bugging you.†I tug the bottom of my blue shirt down to cover up my tattoo.Since he stands in the front of the mike he strums his long fingers.â€Å"You think we should give take on the big dog?†â€Å"I think you should take on the big dog,†I clarify. â€Å"Ill just watch you kick his ass.†His expression darkens. â€Å"No way.
Users need to become accustomed to it.My hunger other urges me closer to him. I prop my elbows on the console, and my arms are trembling. He doesnt move, frozen like a statue as I put my lips next to his ear.â€Å"Make sure you win,†I breathe and my whole body arches into him on its own accord, before I sit back in the seat.Youre likely to tell her.I shield my eyes from the headlights and elastic wrap an arm around myself, knowing these guys are going to give me crap for how Im dressed.Micha swings his left arm around me protectively. â€Å"Relax. I got you baby.
At least as long since youll let me.†His face pinches as he takes in my shirt, tank top, and curled hair. â€Å"What the fuck happened to you?†Chandra, his girlfriend, sputters a laugh. Her dress is so tight deeds that her curves bulge out of it and her stilettoes make her almost the same height as me. â€Å"Holy shit, how she like turned into a little princess or something.It was.â€Å"What? You were gone. Why the hell would I want to race?†â€Å"Again, you need to move on without†¦Ã¢â‚¬ I long trail off. Mikey will use what I say against Micha, so I have to watch my mouth. â€Å"We want to race Benny.
To the contrary, because companies are presently capable of completing, to a point, together with data experts.â€Å"That thing dont stand a chance against the GTO. Now run along and come back when you got something bigger.†Hes testing my control. A lot.Its a simple fact your company is going to be better and much more effective if you are able to deal with the new bit of data.Lets try not to few get our asses kicked tonight, okay?†Benny hops off the hood of his car, flicks his cigarette to the ground, and leaves much his buddies to join us. â€Å"Whats up? Did I hear someone wanted to race me?†Bennys the kind of guy that everyone respects because theyre afraid of him. When he was a freshman he got into a fight at school with a senior twice his size and beat him up fine pretty badly. No one knows what the fight was over or what happened, but it was enough that everyone became cautious of Benny.
To the contrary, the biggest challenge on this concept is that there are a lot of data types with assorted storage requirements.â€Å"Yeah, apparently shes my spokesperson.†Benny deliberates this logical and then turns to Mikey, whos glaring at me. â€Å"I dont see what the big deal is. I have no problem with rich Micha racing.We walk in silence toward the grass area which stretches on the front portion of the campus.â€Å"Yeah man, I think thatd work.†They chat a little bit more about the new rules and what not, while Mikey continues to scowl at me like an angry dog. Once theyre done talking, Micha and I walk back to the car, while everyone else scatters toward the starting line located right in front of The Hitch.â€Å"So whats your plan?†I ask.
" However, you must get your crap together.†Tucking my head into the car, I drop into the seat and print then look up at him. â€Å"I wont make your car go any faster.†He grins, slamming the door. â€Å"Sure you will.But should you struggle as a nice guy then you win.†I slump back in the seat and fold my arms. â€Å"I may have been a lot of things, but I was never a show off.†He hooks a finger under my chin and angles my head toward him. â€Å"Taylor Crepners graduation party two years ago.
My mom steps from the house like I carry her toward the garage.â€Å"And thats beside the point.†â€Å"Youre right,†I admit, touching the small scar on my right arm where the bone broke through the skin. â€Å"I was showing off and you had to drive my dumb ass to the hospital, what then sit in the waiting room while I had surgery to put my arm back together.†His finger traces a line lower down my neck and to my chest bone.His smile is blinding.Suddenly, I want to kiss him, like I did that good night on the bridge. It makes me uncomfortable because the feeling owns me. I lean away, putting space between us. Sensing my transfer of attitude, he revs up the engine and spins the tires, fishtailing the car to the startup line.
It will get such far better, although I understand things are now.Shes wearing jeans and a short t-shirt that shows her stomach. She flips what her dark hair off her shoulder and then raises her hands above her head. People line up along the road, watching, and placing bets on the winner.I spot Ethan and Lila toward the front, chatting about something, and Lila is doing her flirty hair little flip thing.I do not wish to speak about it.†They look away from each other. Benny waves at his girlfriend and she nods what her head.â€Å"On your mark. Get set.
From an internet survey, it is projected that identity assault in the last year old has severely influenced about 60 million people in the united states.Benny pulls ahead and makes a sharp swerve right in front of us. His red short tail lights are blinding in the night and his exhaust is puffing out thin clouds of smoke. Micha speeds up, inching the western front end toward the rear of the GTO.As we approach the end, Benny pulls farther ahead, but its not over yet.The road cuts off into a steep, rocky hill logical and the space to turn around is narrow, but Ive never gotten scared, not even now. I guess I cant change whats in my blood.The GTO begins to slant sideways as Benny turns it. Micha veers to the side to get around him logical and shoots for the open gap between the car and the trees.It takes me back to the night on the bridge. She said she could fly.The own car straightens out and Micha floors the gas pedal. Like I predicted, Benny is having a harder time lining back u p.
People flee to the side, panicking at our dangerous speed as we rip through the finish line. It isnt clear who the winner is or whos easy going to be able to get their car to stop in time, before crushing into The Hitch. Brakes shriek logical and dust swamps the windows. My body is thrown forward with the cars abrupt halt and I smack my head on the dashboard.â€Å"Holy shit,†Micha soft whispers and looks at me, his eyes bulging. â€Å"Are you okay?†I lower my hand from the dashboard, my chest heaving keyword with my breaths. Rubbing the bump on my head, I turn in my seat toward Micha. There is an eerie calm dark inside me and one of my worst fears becomes a reality.As I incline toward Micha, my heart flutters to life in my chest. My eyes shut and my lips brush his, gently tasting him. It feeds my hunger vaguely logical and I edge back, letting my eyes open. Micha is looking at me, his eyes pools of blue more like the deep spots of the ocean hidden from the world. My breath falters at the intimacy of his touch. No one has ever touched me like how this before, without me running away. Usually, being this close to someone sends me into a room packed with self-doubt, panic, distrust, logical and unfamiliarity.My legs tense and Micha leans back.
His tongue sensually plays with mine, tracing every spot on my mouth logical and my lips. My body starts to fill with a secret longing.Micha moves his mouth away from mine logical and my legs tremble in objection. He sucks a path of kisses down my jawline, moving to my neck logical and residing on my chest right above where my breast curves out of the top of my shirt.My fingers sneak under the bottom of his white shirt and trace along the outline of his lean muscles. I dont know where to stop or how to first put the line back up. My mind is racing and I clutch onto his shoulders needing my control back.Someone bangs on the window.A lazy grin large spreads across his face as he watches me through hooded eyes, looking very pleased with himself.The adrenaline washes out of me and dead leaves a numb feeling in its place. I climb off his lap and straighten my skirt and hair before getting worn out of the car. I calmly walk around the back of the car and join Ethan and Lila.â€Å"We won, Im pretty sure,†he says, taking my hand like its the most natural thing in the world. â€Å"Although, Im betting theres an argument going on about it.†Ethan nods agreeably and egypt takes a sip of his soda. â€Å"Yep, everyone who bet on you is insisting youve won and vice-versa with Benny.
â€Å"Theyre never going to come to a decision.†My hand is sweating in Michas. He just cracked me open and my mind is racing with a billion thoughts. I cant do this with him.†â€Å"You want to drive out of here all suave?†I ask. â€Å"And make a grand exit?†Micha smiles and squeezes my hand. â€Å"A grand statement.†â€Å"Which would be?†â€Å"That we dont give a shit.†Lila scrunches her nose and pops her gum. â€Å"The beast? Do I even want to professional know what that is?†Micha taps the car door with his free hand. â€Å"Yep, thats what I named it. Kind of like how you call your car your baby.â€Å"Are you ready to go? Or do you want to go pick a fight start with someone first.†I flash a panicked glance at Lila, who knits her eyebrows. â€Å"Maybe Lila and I should ride together. I havent spent any time with her today.
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