Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Managemant Movie Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Managemant - Movie Review Example Everything considered, the budgetary emergency was the consequence of a monetary air pocket in which resources, for example, stocks, securities, homes, money related instruments, and anything of financial worth, gain an expanded market cost comparable to their genuine, or characteristic worth. As such, this emergency was the aftereffect of theory, absence of government guideline, nonappearance of any prescience with respect to money related controllers, (for example, the Federal Reserve Bank, Securities and Exchange Commission, the Congress, and at last, the budgetary business to self-manage), and the eagerness of speculators to toss alert to the breezes and take large, unreasonable dangers. The movie was created and coordinated by Charles H. Ferguson which made broad examination into the reasons for the most noticeably terrible monetary emergency this age has seen, described by on-screen character Matt Damon, and co-altered by Chad Beck and Adam Bolt. Looking back, the reason for the emergency started a few organizations back, to the administration of Bill Clinton, when the financial guideline that ordered partition of banking and contributing elements of banks got rejected, which in actuality made an ethical peril, wherein the money related industry faced gigantic challenges. The end of the partition of banking and venture made a craze to make huge benefits out of new budgetary instruments called subordinates, for example, collateralized obligation commitments (CDO) and its twin, the credit default trades (CDS). Further, speculation financiers didn't need their industry to be exposed to oversight and guideline, contending this conflicts with the soul of big business, private enterprise, and free markets. The investors explicitly wouldn't consent to set boundaries for their utilizing exercises, which made a monetary place of cards to amplify their benefits with just a little capital expected to back huge exchanges. The monetary emergency which began in 2008 incidentally delivered
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Biography of Chilean President Michelle Bachelet
Memoir of Chilean President Michelle Bachelet Referred to for: First lady chose as leader of Chile; first lady pastor of barrier in Chile and Latin America Dates: Born September 29, 1951. Chosen leader of Chile, January 15, 2006; initiation March 11, 2006, served until 11 March 2010 (term constrained). Chosen again in 2013, initiation March 11, 2014. Occupation: President of Chile; pediatrician You may likewise be intrigued in: Margaret Thatcher, Benazir Bhutto, Isabel Allende About Michelle Bachelet On January 15, 2006, Michelle Bachelet became Chiles first lady president-elect. Bachelet came in first in the December 2005 political race yet didn't figure out how to win a greater part in that race, so she confronted an overflow in January against her closest adversary, an extremely rich person businessperson, Sebastian Pinera. Prior, she was a pastor of protection in Chile, the primary lady in Chile or all of Latin America to fill in as a clergyman of barrier. Bachelet, a Socialist, is commonly viewed as an inside liberal. While three other ladies have won presidential races in the Americas (Janet Jagan of Guyana, Mireya Moscoso of Panama, and Violeta Chamorro of Nicaragua), Bachelet was the first to win a seat without first getting known through a spouses noticeable quality. (Isabel Peron was her spouses VP in Argentina and became president after his passing.) Her term in office finished in 2010 in view of term limits; she was reappointed in 2013 and started serving another term as president in 2014. Foundation Michelle Bachelet was conceived in Santiago, Chile, on September 29, 1951. Her dads foundation is French; her fatherly incredible granddad emigrated to Chile in 1860. Her mom had Greek and Spanish parentage. Her dad, Alberto Bachelet, was a flying corps brigadier general who kicked the bucket in the wake of being tormented for his resistance to Augusto Pinochets system and backing of Salvador Allende. Her mom, a paleontologist, was detained in a torment place with Michelle in 1975 and went into banish with her. In her initial years, before her dads passing, the family moved oftentimes and even lived in the United States quickly when her dad worked for the Chilean Embassy. Training and Exile Michelle Bachelet examined medication from 1970 to 1973 at the University of Chile in Santiago, however her training was hindered by the military upset of 1973 when Salvador Allendes system was ousted. Her dad kicked the bucket in care in March of 1974 in the wake of being tormented. The familys reserves were cut off. Michelle Bachelet had worked subtly for the Socialist Youth and was detained by the Pinochet system in 1975 and held in the torment place at Villa Grimaldi, alongside her mother.â From 1975-1979 Michelle Bachelet was estranged abroad with her mom in Australia, where her sibling had just moved, and East Germany, where she proceeded with her training as a pediatrician.â Bachelet married Jorge Dvalos while still in Germany, and they had a child, Sebastin. He, as well, was a Chilean who had fled the Pinochet system. In 1979, the family came back to Chile. Michelle Bachelet finished her clinical degree at the University of Chile, graduating in 1982. She had a little girl, Francisca, in 1984, at that point isolated from her better half about 1986. Chilean law made separation troublesome, so Bachelet couldn't wed the doctor with whom she had her second girl in 1990. Bacheletâ later examined military procedure at Chiles National Academy of Strategy and Policy and at the Inter-American Defense College in the United States.â Taxpayer driven organization Michelle Bachelet became Chiles Minister of Health in 2000, serving under communist President Ricarco Lagos. She at that point filled in as Minister of Defense under Lagos, the principal lady in Chile or Latin America to hold such a post. Bachelet and Lagos are a piece of a four-party alliance, Concertacion de Partidos por la Democracia, in power since Chile reestablished vote based system in 1990. Concertacion has concentrated on both monetary development and spreading the advantages of that development all through portions of society. After her first term as president, 2006 - 2010, Bachelet accepting a situation as the Executive Director of UN Women (2010 - 2013).
Thursday, August 20, 2020
They Call Me Yankee
They Call Me Yankee Oh yea you guys dont have armadillos up there in yankeeland Another intern told me one day during work. Ive never been called a yankee before I moved to Houston, Texas this summer to start my internship at TMK IPSCO. Apparently its what these southerners call us northerners down here in Texas people up north are yankees, and people who live on the coast are coasters. So Im a yankee coaster. I cant imagine Boston Red Sox fans are okay with being called Yankees. I dont mind the names, it makes me happy. But people have high expectations, which I hope that Im meeting. Im from MIT, and Im expected to perform and function like an MIT student. Whatever that terrifying cluster of words means. Basically, many times I feel a lot of pressure. But for the most part, when people find out that Im the MIT intern they ask me fun questions like do you play poker? and did MIT students really create a working hoverboard? Other than yankee and coaster, they also call me M-I-T and Red, because of my red hair. Its really strange being away from home and getting acclimated to an entirely new environment and culture. I went straight from finals week to working a 7am-4pm engineering internship, spending hours each day in front of pretty microscopes and pieces of metal. The other interns and I have been spending a lot of time together. There are five other interns at the Houston RD Center here in Texas, and we all get along really well. The other people who work here are also really nice and helpful, and some employees have even invited us to hang out on the weekends! One weekend, the other interns and I went to the local food bank to volunteer. It was the nicest food bank Ive ever been too, and our company provided us with TMK ISPCO volunteer shirts. Another weekend, my friend Kiara M. UH 16 and I went to Vans Warped Tour. We got press passes and tickets since I take pictures for my cousins news service, Artisan News. Kiara put together this nice montage of our time at Warped 2014. It was ridiculously hot out, but we had a really good time! It gets lonely sometimes here in this foreign city really far away from home, but its okay. Ive learned so far that I definitely want to work at a company like the one I am interning for now once I become a real person. I really enjoy having a nice large desk to show off my cat calendar on, and I like solving problems and organizing things around the RD Center. I feel like the things I am doing are really making a difference, and it is a good feeling. I plan on attending the Houston MIT Class of 2018 meetup in a couple weeks, so if you are in the area and an admitted student I look forward to meeting you! Ask me questions! I miss cats. I bought a cactus from home depot to keep me company, but its not the same. Here is a picture of pretty Derp Cat being derpy :)
Sunday, May 24, 2020
Types Of Enemy Labelling Is An Appropriate Way Of...
While Aday’s analysis is well-researched, it can be argued that the importance of the variable ‘enemy labelling’ has been overstated. From Tables 5 and 6, the coverage on NBC shows the enemy in Iraq to be called â€Å"insurgents†whereas they are â€Å"terrorists†at FNC. In Afghanistan, at NBC, they are labelled â€Å"Taliban†or â€Å"Taliban and al Qaeda†differing to FNC’s use of â€Å"terrorist†or â€Å"jihadist†. While the differences in the terms used to describe the enemy is interesting to note, this does not further the article’s arguments against the claim of over-reporting negative news. The analysis of this data is noticeably shorter than for the other variables examined in the study. There appears to be no new inferences to make from the data in relation to the study. The article fails to theorise enemy labelling as an appropriate way of analysing its arguments. A response to this critique may be that the variable of enemy labelling is a direct test for framing or counterframing. It is important to see whether news coverage is complying with the administration’s frame or deviating from this. Language used in news media is important as it affects public opinion about the war. It is a subtle element of bias from the news programme that gives away a political stance that may have not been explicit. This is because it establishes a sense of evaluating the situation morally. Counterframing, as Aday notes, can occur by the media rejecting obvious administration framing devices, such as enemyShow MoreRelatedDeterminants of Violence in the Greek Football League a Case Study of Paok Fc Supporters13608 Words  | 55 Pagesa person in an unsocial and savage condition. (Lomproso 1925). By using anthropometric methods on prisoners and by taking into consideration perceptions of the early 1920s Lombroso argued that it is possible to determine and describe a particular type of human that he named â€Å"L’uomo delinquente†(Lombroso 1925). According to Lombroso, L’uomo delinquente carries in his/her idiosyncrasy the seeds of criminal behaviour and can be distinguished from normal people owing to the fact that he/she has someRead MoreThe Essentials of Project Management65719 Words  | 263 Pages31 3 Organization Effective organization and communications- Project teams versus functional group or matrix organizations- vi Contents Functional matrix organizations- Variations of the matrix organization - Project team organization - Which type of organization is best? - The hybrid option Organizations with more than one project manager -The project manager himself - Project services groups 4 Work breakdown and coding Family tree hierarchy - Work breakdown structures for large projectsRead MoreStrategic Marketing Management337596 Words  | 1351 Pagesproductivity The use of ratios Analysing ratios and trends Ratios and interfirm comparison vi CONTENTS 3.13 3.14 A strategic approach Summary 112 116 117 119 119 120 128 136 139 149 153 159 165 167 169 169 170 174 182 188 192 202 214 215 221 223 223 230 236 241 246 248 250 251 255 261 4 Market and environmental analysis 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 4.9 4.10 Learning objectives Introduction: the changing business environment (or the new marketing reality) Analysing the environment The natureRead MoreContemporary Issues in Management Accounting211377 Words  | 846 Pagesthis publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, without the prior permission in writing of Oxford University Press, or as expressly permitted by law, or under terms agreed with the appropriate reprographics rights organization. Enquiries concerning reproduction outside the scope of the above should be sent to the Rights Department, Oxford University Press, at the address above You must not circulate this book in any other binding or coverRead MoreOrganisational Theory230255 Words  | 922 Pagesvaluable. Peter Holdt Christensen, Associate Professor, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark McAuley et al.’s book is thought-prov oking, witty and highly relevant for understanding contemporary organizational dilemmas. The book engages in an imaginative way with a wealth of organizational concepts and theories as well as provides insightful examples from the practical world of organizations. The authors’ sound scholarship and transparent style of writing set the book apart, making it an ingenious readRead MoreCompetitive Advantage: Creating and Sustaining Superior Performance65536 Words  | 263 PagesCompetitor selection 68 Part II Competitive Scope within an Industry (p. 230) 69 Chapter7: Industry Segmentation and Competitive Advantage 69 Section 1: Bases For Industry Segmentation 69 Section 2: The Industry Segmentation Matrix 72 Buyer type 72 Section 3: Industry Segmentation 73 and Competitive Strategy 73 Section 4: industry segmentation 77 and Industry Definition 77 Chapter 8: Substitution 78 Section 1: IDENTIFYING SUBSTITUTES(p.274) 78 Section 2: The Economics of Substitution
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Personal Values Centered On The Right Person For The Job
Sarah perceived her personal values centered on the candidate being the right type of person for the job. She felt that it was important to her that the candidate has values and characteristics which in her opinion make them the right person for the job. Sarah posted that a nurse can have a lot of experience and have all of the technical skills, but if they have no bedside manner or respect for their co-workers the she does not want to hire them. She believes that it is healthy to have a positive social intelligence in the workplace and in order to help with this she would want to hire someone that she believe can work with people and has not just professional but personal values. Sarah felt that it is very easy to be biased and a nurse manager needs to be thinking during the interview does this candidate meet the qualifications for the job? Sarah posted that the manager should focus most on qualifications instead of personal opinions. She thinks that interviewers can make mistakes, it is very hard not to. She responded that you may only see the good in people, which isn t realistic. Or you may only see the bad. Also a mistake can be does the manager think about would the candidate be good for the job in the future ( a year later). Because if the new hire is going to quickly leave the job they are probably not the best candidate. It is easy to have bias or make mistakes, the manager needs to just do the best they can.Show MoreRelatedI Found Vips Framework Is The Absolute Value Of All Human Lives Essay1716 Words  | 7 Pagesof Scholarly Literature: While reading this book, I found VIPS Framework is a valuable asset to use for person-centered care that represent a base that asserts the absolute value of all human lives regardless of age or cognitive ability, each individual with dementia are special and need to approach differently, recognising uniqueness, understanding the world from the perspective of the person identified as needing support and providing a social environment that supports psychological needs. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Red Scarf Girl Free Essays
Feelings of Sympathy There is nothing worse than the act of betrayal. Jiang Ji-li, a girl who was always praised by her teachers and always felt warmth in her home started to be exposed to the real world and how people can walk away from those who were there for them their whole life and treated as if they were non existent. She never thought that her fellow peers could deceive her, betray her. We will write a custom essay sample on Red Scarf Girl or any similar topic only for you Order Now Who would have ever thought that the same people who Jiang Ji-li kindly helped with their home work could easily point their guns at her. Not only does the reader feel sympathetic towards Jiang Ji-li but also fury towards the students and how she was treated because of her family’s black status. Jiang Ji-li is not really not to blame for what kind of traits she bears or her stance, she was babied and never really let out of her cage into the wild where she could see things for herself. Jiang Ji-li’s weak character also contributes to the kind of mood the author feels during the time he/she reads the book. Ji-li, by the way she acts, she seems very fragile and she is not one that can easily accept what negative things that are said about her. Ji-li thinks that there is only good things and good people in the world. If it’s not said or pointed out to her, she would never have noticed it. She is too carefree, allowing herself to think that there are only harmless people, that they would never hurt her until there was a da-zi-bao written about her, â€Å"Ke Cheng-li doesn’t like working-class kids. He only likes rich kids†¦ We have to ask the question, What is the relationship between them after all? †If she had been a very strong girl, knew where she stood and didn’t care what others said about her or her family, the reader would have felt a different mood. Though there are other factors that contribute to the story, for instance â€Å"setting. †In this novel, it talks about the Cultural Revolution of Chairman Mao whose intention was to do good things to China starting by ridding the Four Olds and bringing in the Four News. Without this historical time period in the book, there would be no chaos in the country, and there would have been no class status that separated the rich from the working-class families. The setting affects the mood of the reader. If the author of the novel chose to change the setting and only the setting, there would be a huge to the mood the reader feels. â€Å"Suddenly I wished that I had been born into a different family. I hated Grandpa for being a landlord,†one cannot help but feel sympathetic towards Ji-li, who was not yet ready to face the cruel world. It’s unimaginable how much anger can be inside her especially if she hates someone she has never met, which makes the reader feel pity for her. How hurt she must be, a girl always showered with warmth, love and compliments now being thrown dirt on. Throughout the book, I’ve felt sympathy towards Ji-li. She tries very hard to do what’s right, and aims to be successful but her black class status held her back. Always fearing that people will make fun of her black class status, she shied away from doing things she wanted to do. In the epilogue of the book, even though Chairman Mao had died, her status continued to follow her, refraining her family to move forward, and remain under those who had better statuses. Some might feel fury towards the movement, how it was not right because it allowed many others, besides the Jiang family to suffer because of criticism due to their wealthy lifestyle or committing other â€Å"crimes. †What might make the reader feel especially sympathetic towards Ji-li’s situation is how she was confused about what to do, she was suffering and she was told she had two roads she could take. She could either leave her parents and their family’s black status or she could stay with her family and remain loyal. Ji-li didn’t have a choice, she didn’t choose to be born into the kind of family she was born in. Why did it matter that her grandfather was a landlord? She wasn’t. The main contribution to the mood, in my opinion was probably the traits that Ji-li bear. What she felt, the readers could feel because it was her point of view that they looked at. How to cite Red Scarf Girl, Papers
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Career Opportunities Available Newly Qualified Nurse
Question: Discuss about the Career Opportunities Available for Newly Qualified Nurse. Answer: Introduction There are many job opportunities for the newly qualified nurses such as working in the hospitals as a registered nurse, working in the institutions such as colleges as staff nurses among others. However, most nurses after their professional studies face many challenges, and most of them believe that the transition is stressing. It is because the other health professionals have high expectations of the graduate nurses such as they will produce the highest quality of work as well as come out working fast. However, the opposite happens since these graduate nurses need direction from the old people in the professional because they lack knowledge on the role adjustment. Therefore, there is a need for the health professionals to put this mind and help them during the transition. In this paper, I will deeply discuss the development by reviewing some of the journals on their transition. My literature review will be on the stress as well as the shortage of nurses in the hospitals in over 57 c ountries. It is important to look at this issue since the health services are continuing to deteriorate bringing adverse effects among the citizens. The problem on the shortage of nurse is an international disaster hence the stalk holders all over the globe should find ways to correct it. Though there are attempts to increase the recruitment of nurses, most of the newly registered nurses are resigning. Stressing factors in the change transition Fox argues in his journal that the work stress in most of the health facilities is making the nurses who have just graduated think of quitting the job. Most of the health centres have about 10 % of graduate nurses. Through the various studies, they noted that most of the nurses encounter many challenges during their transition from a student nurse to a registered nurse. In the journal on Nursing Today, the author argues that the problem on the resignation of the graduate is because of the stressing work environment. He keenly examined it because the loss of these new registered nurses may have a financial impact on the nation as well as affect the patients. Some of the factors that cause stress to the newly registered nurse are such as the program type, work unit, orientation as well as the duration in the work group. Some research was done to show what the newly registered nurses attributed most of their stress. Through the studies, they noted that most stressors were issues on the equipment in the health facilities. (Wu, Fox, Stokes, Adam, 2012). Another stressing factor that the newly qualified nurse goes through is the role adjustment factor. Most of the health professionals old in the job have high expectations of the newly registered nurses. They expect that these nurses will hit the ground running. Philip who looks at the Australian system of employment of the newly registered nurses claims that the post registration of the graduate nurses brought a lot of success than the pre-registration of the nurses. The author also adds that the nurses should be welcomed warmly in the work environment as well as given a proper guidance by the senior professionals in the job. He says that even if the graduate nurses undergo a lot of stress during their transition getting support from the other medical practitioners in the health facilities may improve their development. If the graduate nurses go through a smooth transition, they will offer high-quality services. The seamless transition will also help in reducing the current pressure on recruiting as well as retaining of graduate nurses in Australia. It is because it will reduce the resignation rates of the graduate nurses. (Phillips, Kenny, Ester man, Smith, 2014). Patricia Suresh also wrote an article on stress among the fourth year students as well as newly registered nurses. Patricia primary goal was to know the extent of stress among the newly registered nurses in the health faculty. The clinical nurse specialist also engaged a variety of people and explored their suggestions on stress as well as stressors. In her journal, she says that stress in the workplace has adverse effects on the patients, the health facility as well as the stressed nurse. Stress affects the patients health as it deteriorates since when the nurse has stress, he or she will not give quality services. It also affects the medical practitioner psychologically as well as the patient. She also says stress between the graduate as well as newly registered nurse causes professional practice impairment. Patricia carried out qualitative analysis among the registered nurses as well as the graduate nurses by use of an open-ended question. She did this to know the extent of stress among the new nurses. Her results show that there were high levels of stress in the two groups. They claimed that one of the causes of stress is a tremendous amount of workload per nurse. The significant amount of work was due to the small numbers of nurses in many countries hence the new nurses got fatigued leading to stress. Another cause of stress was the merging of clinical employment and academics hence they had no relaxing time. Another reason that they suggested is harsh working conditions as well as clinical learning necessities that the government did not meet. Therefore, there is a need for the hospital administrators to look for ways to reduce the workload among the nurses as well as mending the working conditions. By doing this, the stakeholders will have reduced stress among the graduate as well as new nurses easing the shift and reducing resignation cases. (Suresh, Matthews Coyne, 2013) The shortage of Nurses The lack of nurses has become an issue of concern among many countries as the health care system is going on deteriorating. In the authors work, he writes about the cause of this because there has been an on-going challenge of the retention as well as recruitment of the nurses. Several studies show that in a variety of the medical facilities the working environments, as well as the need of high commitment in the new graduate nurses, were the most common reasons for the shortage. Zhang Says in his paper that the lack of a robust model having moderators has led to the absence of interventions on how the nurses will remain in the workplace.( Lu, Barriball, Zhang While, 2012) Gutierrez and Carver wrote one of the journals after examining the nurses commitment, the support given to them as well as the job satisfaction. During their studies, they found out that there is a significant shortage of nurses in over 50 countries. (Gutierrez, Candela Carver, 2012).Therefore the lack of the health professionals in this faculty has become a global disaster. Steps were taken to retain as well as recruit a large number of citizens to reduce the vast deficiency of the health professions in the health facilities. Carver and Gutierrez say that there is a need for making the health professionals understands the need of commitment for their retention. After their studies, they noted that the use of mentoring skills as well as good relationships among the employees in the health facilities led to increase in the commitment. It has also resulted in job satisfaction among the graduate nurses. By mentoring the graduate nurses, they appreciate their job as well as the good rel ationship between one another. Another author that supports Gutierrez on the need for mentoring is Omansky. (Chen Lou, 2014). Bredah happel talks about how to reduce the stress factors among the nurses, which include large amounts of work, inadequate personnel and interpersonal matters among others. One of the proposals she suggests is the adjustment of the workload to reduce stress among the new nurses. They can do these by giving right jobs to the new personnel and increasing the workload as the nurses get acquainted in the job. These will reduce the many cases on the resignation. Another problem that causes stress among the newly registered nurses is the shift work. She recommends for changes in shifting hours so that the new healthy professionals will not function at a particular time only. The change of shift hours makes everyone to work at different times hence there will be no complaints of some of the nurses doing more work than others do. The problem of the health care environments can be addressed by knowing the stressors in the faculty and involving the nurses in coming up with the initiatives to use in reducing stress. (Happell et al., 2013) Conclusion In conclusion, it is true to say that changing the life of a student to the workplace comes in with its challenges. This transition experienced in the health faculty is bringing in a lot of problems such as deterioration of health among the patients due to low-quality services, psychological issues among the health professionals as well as the patients. The newly registered health professionals feel overloaded as they undergo since they were not used to the high amounts of work resulting in stress. Despite the large sums of work they also get stressed up because of poor working conditions, equipment, and a weak relationship among the workers as well as the high expectations of the other medical professionals. However, the stakeholders should try to address these issues for instance by increasing the health personnel. In some countries the medical equipments are of low standards hence the doctors get stressed upon the method to use in treating the diseases. The stakeholders in all the countries should embrace some of the recommendations above since good heath is the most necessary thing for every citizen. References Chen, C. M., Lou, M. F. (2014). The effectiveness and application of mentorship programs for recently registered nurses: a systematic review. Journal of nursing management, 22(4), 433-442. Cheng, C. Y., Liou, S. R., Tsai, H. M., Chang, C. H. (2015). Job stress and job satisfaction among new graduate nurses during the first year of employment in Taiwan. International journal of nursing practice, 21(4), 410-418. Chung, C. E., Kowalski, S. (2012). Job stress, mentoring, psychological empowerment, and job satisfaction among nursing faculty. Journal of Nursing Education, 51(7), 381-388. Feng, R. F., Tsai, Y. F. (2012). Socialization of new graduate nurses to practicing nurses. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 21(13?14), 2064-2071. Gutierrez, A. P., Candela, L. L., Carver, L. (2012). The structural relationships between organizational commitment, global job satisfaction, developmental experiences, work values, organizational support, and person?organization fit among nursing faculty. Journal of advanced nursing, 68(7), 1601-1614. Happell, B., Dwyer, T., Reid?Searl, K., Burke, K. J., Caperchione, C. M., Gaskin, C. J. (2013). Nurses and stress: recognizing causes and seeking solutions. Journal of nursing management, 21(4), 638-647. Laranjeira, C. A. (2012). The effects of perceived stress and ways of coping in a sample of Portuguese health workers. Journal of clinical nursing, 21(11?12), 1755-1762. Lu, H., Barriball, K. L., Zhang, X., While, A. E. (2012). Job satisfaction among hospital nurses revisited: a systematic review. International journal of nursing studies, 49(8), 1017-1038 Phillips, C., Kenny, A., Esterman, A., Smith, C. (2014). A secondary data analysis examining the needs of graduate nurses in their transition to a new role. Nurse Education in Practice, 14(2), 106-111. Rickard, G., Lenthall, S., Dollard, M., Opie, T., Knight, S., Dunn, S. ... Brewster-Webb, D. (2012). Organisational intervention to reduce occupational stress and turnover in hospital nurses in the Northern Territory, Australia. Collegian, 19(4), 211-221. Rush, K. L., Adamack, M., Gordon, J., Lilly, M., Janke, R. (2013). Best practices of formal new graduate nurse transition programs: An integrative review. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 50(3), 345-356. Suresh, P., Matthews, A., Coyne, I. (2013). Stress and stressors in the clinical environment: a comparative study of fourth?year student nurses and newly qualified general nurses in Ireland. Journal of clinical nursing, 22(5-6), 770-779. Theisen, J. L., Sandau, K. E. (2013). Competency of new graduate nurses: A review of their weaknesses and strategies for success. The Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing, 44(9), 406-414. Walker, A., Earl, C., Costa, B., Cuddihy, L. (2013). Graduate nurses' transition and integration into the workplace: a qualitative comparison of graduate nurses' and Nurse Unit Managers' perspectives. Nurse education today, 33(3), 291-296. Wu, T. Y., Fox, D. P., Stokes, C., Adam, C. (2012). Work-related stress and intention to quit in newly graduated nurses. Nurse education today, 32(6), 669-674.
Wednesday, April 1, 2020
The Ultimate Essays - , Term Papers, Research Papers
The Ultimate Weapon Manual That You Will Ever Need On Your Search Across The Wasteland! DISTRIBUTED BY VAULT-TEC Pistols .44 Pistol: Damage: 48 Weight: 5.2 10mm Pistol: Damage: 21 Weight: 3.5 Alien Blaster: Damage: 50 Weight: 2.5 Deliverer: Damage: 25 Weight: 4.4 Flare Gun: Damage: 110 Weight: 2 Gamma Gun: Damage: 110 Weight: 3 Institute Pistol: Damage: 15 Weight: 3.9 Lasor Pistol: Damage: 27 Weight: 3.5 Pipe Bolt-Action Pistol: Damage: 34 Weight: 3.8 Pipe Pistol: Damage: 15 Weight: 2.3 Pipe Revolver Pistol: Damage: 28 Weight: 4.2 Rifles Pipe Rifle: Damage: 13 Weight: 2.8 Pipe Bolt-Action Rifle: Damage: 34 Weight: 4.8 Pipe Revolver Rifle: Damage: 24 Weight: 5.4 Hunting Rifle: Damage: 28 Weight: 4.2 Combat Rifle: Damage: 33 Weight: 11.1 Institute Rifle: Damage: 15 Weight:4.8 Assault Rifle: Damage: 50 Weight: 11.1 Gauss Rifle: Damage: 111 Weight: 15.8 Laser Rifle: Damage: 24 Weight: 4.5 Laser Musket: Damage: 30 Weight: 12.6 Plasma Rifle: Damage: 100 Weight: 14.4 Melee Weapons Baseball Bat: Damage: 25 Weight: 3 Baton: Damage: 15 Weight: 2 Board: Damage: 22 Weight: 3 Chinese Officer Sword: Damage: 22 Weight: 3 Grognak's Axe: Damage: 35 Weight: 10 Knife: Damage: 12 Weight: 1 Lead Pipe: Damage: 15 Weight: 3 Machete: Damage: 19 Weight: 2 Pipe Wrench: Damage: 18 Weight: 2 Pool Cue: Damage: 18 Weight: 1 Revolutionary Sword: Damage: 22 Weight: 3 Ripper: Damage: 5 Weight: 6 Rolling Pin: Damage: 15 Weight: 1 Shishkebob: Damage: 18 Weight: 3 Sledgehammer: Damage: 32 Weight: 12 Super Sledge: Damage: 56 Weight: 20 Switchblade: Damage: 12 Weight: 1 Tire Iron: Damage: 19 Weight: 2 Walking Cane: Damage: 14 Weight: 2 Boxing Glove: Damage: 12 Weight: 1 Explosives Baseball Grenade: Damage: 101 Weight: 1 Bottlecap Mine: Damage: 301 Weight: 0.5 Cryo Mine: Damage: 101 Weight: 0.5 Cryogenic Grenade: Damage: 101 Weight: 0.5 Fragmentation Grenade: Damage: 151 Weight: 0.5 Fragmentation Mine: Damage: 101 Weight: 0.5 Molotov Cocktail: Damage: 51 Weight: 0.5 Plasma Grenade: Damage: 150 Weight: 0.5 Plasma Mine: Damage: 150 Weight: 0.5 Pulse Mine: Damage: 150 Weight: 0.5 Artillery Smoke Grenade: Damage: 1 Weight: 0.5 Synth Relay Grenade: Damage: 1 Weight: 0.5 Vertibird Signal Grenade: Damage: 1 Weight: 0.5 HalluciGen Gas Grenade: Damage: 1 Weight: 1 Homing Beacon: Damage: 1 Weight: 1 Institute Beacon: Damage: 1 Weight: 0.5 Institute EM Pulse Grenade: Damage: 1 Weight: 0.5 Nuka Grenade: Damage: 301 Weight: 0.5 Heavy Weapons Broadsider: Damage: 108 Weight: 38.1 Cryolator: Damage: 20 Weight: 13.2 Fat Man: Damage: 468 Weight: 30.7 Flamer: Damage: 12 Weight: 16.1 Gatling Laser: Damage: 14 Weight: 19.3 Junk Jet: Damage: 40 Weight: 29.9 Minigun: Damage: 8 Weight: 27.4 Missile Launcher: Damage: 150 Weight: 21 Miscellaneous Submachine Gun: Damage: 101 Weight: 2.7 Double-Barrel Shotgun: Damage: 45 Weight: 9 Combat Shotgun: Damage: 50 Weight: 11.1 Knuckles: Damage: 16 Weight: 0.5 Deathclaw Gauntlet: Damage: 35 Weight: 10 Power Fist: Damage: 28 Weight: 4
Saturday, March 7, 2020
Plastics Lab essays
Plastics Lab essays This is almost the exact lab from your online site. I typed my lab up this way so its more clear and easier to read. h To describe some of the major plastic resins and their uses h To compare and contrast the properties of different plastic resins h To list products that different resins can become through recycling Procedure/Questions(note: tables are attached): 1. Read Table 1. Major Plastic Resins and Their Uses. This resin chart describes six common resins and the variety of uses each has. The uses depend on the properties of each resin listed (e.g., lightweight, flexible, incredibly hard, rigid, durable). The code numbers are used by recycles to identify different resins. 2. Find a sample of as many of the six resins as you can. (There is a "7" which is used kind of like "none of the above". It is not common.) Since this is an extra credit assignment, each resin you use will add to your grade. It is important that the plastic identification code be visible on each object, for ease in identifying the resin from which it is made. 3. Fill in Table 2. Properties of Plastic Resins as you examine your plastic samples. 4. Cut out the recycling symbol on each sample and attach it to Table 2. 5. What is the short name (HDPE, etc) of each sample? 6. Is it clear? Does it have color?(Note- these are based on the examples I found.) h Resin 1- Polyethylene Terephthlate is generally clear. h Resin 2- High Density Polyethylene has more of a white coloring. h Resin 3- Polyvinyl Chloride is clear. h Resin 4- Low Density Polyethylene can be colored (manufactured). h Resin 5- Polypropylene can be cream colored or white. h Resin 6- Polystyrene can be ...
Thursday, February 20, 2020
Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 223
Essay Example Secondly, he also theorizes whether learning should be considered an individual cognitive act or a social cultural one. For this reason, personal characteristics are considered whether a student learns according to his level of understanding or if learning happens more rapidly during socialization. Lastly, Weinstein suggests that two perspectives â€Å"give both sides of a good story†(231). The author used stratified sampling, concentrating on one class and then asking for volunteers for the interview from them. For the survey, he used random sampling, giving questionnaires to all participants from which 56% of them returned the questionnaires. From the 18 respondents to the survey, the author was able to identify two remarkable results namely, homework hours and working together. The questionnaires were designed to examine the number of hours a student worked on math each week, how the hours are distributed between the different kinds of study and how often and how much time they spend studying with fellow students, friends, tutors and others (233). From this, the author was able to gain insight about the students’ attitude toward math. The interview method perhaps gave a better insight to the author in terms of the attitude of students toward math lessons because he was able to ask follow-up questions. The author was able to design a learning strategy for the volunteers, asking them to teach each other and did the interview after the sessions. The follow up questions were often about their failures and successes in learning from each other. Consequently, he was able to determine the relationship between cognitive and sociocultural factors. Lastly, by observing students during class hours, the author was able to take note of some common problems inside the classroom such as the expected interactions between teacher and students. Nevertheless, the author focused on the students, taking note
Tuesday, February 4, 2020
Law website Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Law website - Essay Example (American Bar Association et al., 2010) of the American laws, where a person is regarded to have had no professional relationship to the injury. It is never permissible for any attorney to list his or her famous client or his or her well known case. These regulations are provided for under America bar rule 7.2 (c) (15) that spells the communications concerning the services of lawyers (American Bar Association et al., 2010). No. attorney is never allowed to pay their former clients especially to quote how well they were presented by the attorney and this is defined in the American bar rule 7.2 (c) (1) (J); the precludes testimonials (American Bar Association et al., 2010). 5. The attorney would like to include a link in the website for web surfers to â€Å"chat with an attorney.†You, the paralegal, may be required to respond to chat calls if the attorney is out of the office. Is this permitted by the rules? Yes. Attorney is never hindered by any regulation; thus, they can include website links for web suffers to chat with them. Nonetheless, paralegal may never respond to these kinds of web chat calls since such are hindered by the America bar rule 7.4 (a) that defines direct contact with prospective client (American Bar Association et al.,
Monday, January 27, 2020
Analysis of Family Waste Production
Analysis of Family Waste Production What is the amount of waste produced by my household Over 42 million cubic meters of general waste is generated every year across the country, with the largest proportion coming from Gauteng (42%). In addition, more than 5 million cubic meters of hazardous waste are produced every year, mostly in Mpumalanga and KZN due to the increase of mining activities and fertilizer production. The amount of waste generated by the average South African is  ± 0.7 kg’s. Which means the average 4 person families produces  ± 2.8 kg’s a day. But the largest contributors to the solid waste stream by far is mining waste ( ± 72.3%), followed by pulverized fuel ash ( ± 6.7%), agricultural waste ( ± 6.1%), urban waste ( ± 4.5%) and sewage sludge ( ± 3.6%). Estimated decomposition rates of most debris found in landfills are: Foamed plastic cups: 50 years Plastic beverage holder: 400 years Disposable diapers: 450 year Plastic bottle: 450 years Fishing line: 600 years. Glass bottle 1 million years Aluminum can: 80-200 years Plastic beverage bottles: 450 years Boot sole: 50-80 years Tin can: 50 years Leather: 50 years Nylon fabric: 30-40 years Plastic film canister: 20-30 years Plastic bag: 10-20 years () Cigarette filter: 1-5 years Wool sock: 1-5 years Plywood: 1-3 years Waxed milk carton: 3 months Apple core: 2 months Newspaper: 6 weeks Paper: 2 to 5 months Banana peel: 2-5 weeks Orange peel: 6 months Paper towel: 2-4 weeks Batteries: 100 years [figure 1.1 in appendix 1] The percentage contribution of each waste stream to the composition of general waste is illustrated in Figure 1 [Appendix 3]. Non-recyclable municipal waste contributes 34% (by weight) of the overall general waste, construction and demolition waste, 21%, followed by metals (14%), organic waste 13% and mainline recyclables (including paper, plastics, glass and tyres )(18%). {See reference page Ref. for sourcing} Hypothesis My family produces a average amount of waste. Aim The aim of this experiment is to view and record my households daily waste generation and compare it to the average waste production of the average South African family. Apparatus Kitchen scale Bag (for measuring weight of bag not included in results) Paper (recording results) Pen (writing down results) Variables Independent Variables The amount of people in my household (does not changed by choice) Dependent variables The amount of waste produced by my household Fixed variables The bag used to take measurements When I take the measurements Method Take the trash and dived it into 6 different categories (glass, plastic, tin, paper cardboard, organics and non-recyclables). Weigh each category separately and record the results Calculate the total for the day Repeat daily for a week calculating the total at the end of the week as well as the averages of each category Repeat for 3 weeks See appendix 2 for results Conclusion I have to say that my results are inconclusive because my findings fluctuate and I was unable to undertake more tests. To improve my results I would Extent the testing period to about least 5 months instead of 3 weeks to view if the results change according to season My household recycles  ± 95% of all of its recyclable materials and all organic materials are either fed to the animals or are thrown onto a compost heap (apart from bones) My family will soon institute a policy of cutting down on the amount of Non-recycleable materials purchased Figure 1.1: Johannesburg city landfill The following tables contain the results of the experiment all measurements are in kilograms Figure 3.1 [The waste composition for general waste, 2011 (percentage by mass), other, which is mainly biomass waste from industrial sources) ] {See reference page Ref 1 for sourcing} Graph and percentages have been adapted from the national waste information baseline report draft 6, 5 September 2012 Published by: Department of Environmental Affairs Monkeyland: South African waste facts
Sunday, January 19, 2020
American Superiority Essay -- essays research papers
In his series of essays and "letters" on American life, Michel-Guillaume-Jean de Crevecoeur gives his readers numerous examples of the superiority of America to all other countries of that time. He believes that one reason for superiority is that America is with out the aristocracy so prevalent in Europe at the time, which led to a hard working and socially equal society. Another reason Crevecoeur sees America as a superior society is the accepting, and assimilating into one new race, the poor peoples from all European countries. This led to an extraordinarily diverse population, much more diverse than any one of the European countries eight-tenth century. It was for these reasons, as well as many others that Crevecoeur saw America as the greatest nation of the 1700’s. Crevecoeur admires the equality and the freedom of the American people. He sees life without the harsh rule of kings and bishops as much more easy going and pleasing to the general public. The lack of an established aristocracy allows for the rich and the poor to intermingle and exchange ideas in a way never thought before in Europe. The classes were also brought to a single level by the fact that all people in the colonies had to work to survive. The rich and poor alike had to, at first, work their own land to supply food and income to support themselves and their families. This requirement for work led to the American people being very industries and self sufficient, even under adverse conditions....
Saturday, January 11, 2020
Are the Classical Functions Put Forward in 1949 Still Valid?
Academics for years have been pondering the effectiveness of classical approaches to newer conceptualizations within management functions. Are the classical functions put forward by Henri Fayol in 1949 still valid and true today? , or are the theories put forward by other academics such as Mintzberg more valid? , or would the scientific type management concepts be more fitting?. To answer such questions this report examines two Journal journals, â€Å"Are the classical management functions useful in describing managerial work? †(Journal 1) and â€Å"Some effects of Fayolism†(Journal 2).By analyzing the different arguments put forward, I aim to conclude which theory is more appropriate to management study today. In journal 1, Carroll and Gillen examine newer conceptualizations of a manager’s job, and compare its findings to that of Fayol’s classical approach. The basis of this evaluation is to determine which approach is more useful in determining the rol e of management for the purpose of management education. Journal 2 draws on Fayol’s theory of a set of activities that are common to all organizations, to prove the developed management functions.It then evaluates and compares’ this notion with that of Fredrick Taylor with reference to management fashions to determine which theory is more accurate and relevant to managerial conceptualization today. Journal 1 merits Fayol’s theory, in referring to the significance it has had in studying management. In examining 21 books published from 1983 to 1986, he found that all books mentioned Fayol’s functions to some degree. Fayol’s four classical management functions (POLC): Planning, Organizing, Leading & Controlling, have been adopted as the foundation for management study for a long time.Upon evaluating Fayol’s theory, empirical studies expanded Fayol’s functions to eight functions, now known as the PRINCESS factors (planning, representing, investigating, negotiating, coordinating, evaluating, supervising and staffing). In support of Fayol’s claims, such functions apply to ‘all’ forms of management. The author refers to a number of studies and experiments to show that time invested in the classical functions have brought positive results in areas such as organization performance, unit performance, managerial mobility and higher production records.Upon the empirical studies, there is sufficient evidence to merit the classical approach in its functions being used by managers. However Mintzberg did not agree with Fayol’s theory. Mintzberg felt that â€Å"Fayol’s fifty year description of managerial work is no longer of use to us†(Mintzberg, 1971 pp 39). Mintzberg proposed a different model consisting of ten work roles; interpersonal roles (figurehead, leader and liaison), informational roles (monitor or nerve center, disseminator and spokesman) and decision-making (entrepreneur, d isturbance handler, resource allocator and negotiator).However this model came under scrutiny by competing theorists. The author used many examples and refers to experiments done by other academics to criticize Mintzberg’s theory. McCall and Segrist (1980) limited the number of roles Mintzberg claimed, on the basis that certain roles overlapped each other and could not be called separate. Lau, Newman and Broedling (1980) limited the model to four factors (leadership and supervision, information gathering and dissemination, technical problem solving, and executive decision making) upon the findings of their experiment.The flaws within the Mintzberg Model rose due to the ‘observable physical’ approach taken. The journal stresses the importance of analyzing ‘neurophysiological activities’, as measuring physical managerial activities alone does not provide a comprehensive understanding of the managerial role, as it is rather a prominent ‘mentalâ₠¬â„¢ role. Non classical conceptualizations of managerial work (Mintzberg, Stewart etc. ) help define the nature of managerial work.However Fayol’s classical approach best conceptualizes management functions and a manager’s job, so it is the best source to be used for educational purposes. Journal 2 addresses two perspectives of management to evaluate the concepts of management fashion and its management recommendations. There is a logical supposition that organizations must strive to be unique in their business operations to have a fair chance of success, within competition. However the idea of management states presumes resemblance in all businesses, which calls for the profession of ‘managers’ to exist (Brunsson, 2008 pp33).This journal also recognizes the merit of Fayol’s theory in molding Management conceptualization. Furthermore recognizes the success of management recommendations listed by other theorists such as Mintzberg and Kotter, who ref er to Fayol’s functions to a respected degree. However the journal does not recognize any relationship between Fayol’s functions and organizational performance. Brunsson refers to Fredrick Taylor’s ‘bottom-up’ view to address this issue. Discussing managements recommendations in terms of fashions imply; â€Å"dissatisfaction ith the existing recommendations, and ambition to improve these recommendations, a sentiment that efforts at improvement, at least some of them fail, and some management recommendations should not be seen to belong to any management fashion. †(Brunsson, 2008 pp33) The journal promotes general management as a system of defining and classifying in order to improve organizational decision making. However empirical studies of managers shows an ‘mish-mash’ of those activities, implying Fayol’s theory of management has taken precedence of importance over the reality of management activities.This evidence ha s raised a new idea, that Fayol’s approach is no longer valid and â€Å"management order varies depending on the situation of a manager, and the position and personality of the manager†(Brunsson, 2008 pp42). If Fayol’s approach was scrutinized and his notion of general management was questioned, then Taylor’s scientific management concept may have prevailed and taken precedence. Both journals express the relevance and importance of Fayol’s classical approach to the development of Management study to date. However journal 1 implies that Fayol’s classical approach is more useful than other conceptualizing theories put forward.Journal 2 implies that the Fredrick Taylor’s scientific management principles are a more suitable and effective notion to define Management over the classical approach. In my opinion, Fayol’s classical approach holds the most credibility in studying management. I believe the depth to understanding manageria l concepts has no boundaries, due to the complexity of its study. As a result many theorists have attempted to understand this subject, and have criticized each other’s work, which proves there are no set guidelines to follow, it is rather subjective to its audience.However in my opinion Fayol’s four functions, cover the basis of activities involved to perform managerial duties. This statement is supported by the fact that it is a widely accepted approach and is used in all management textbooks. Fayol’s theory helps identify the functions clearly and distinctly. Managers are faced with decision making processes that have high impact on organizations. They are put into that role in the competitive industry, due to their understanding of managerial roles, so they can perform to their level best, and benefit the organization.Therefore as Fayol stated, it is important for managers to undergo training. Other theories put forward such as Mintzberg’s model, Kott er and Taylor’s scientific management approach, help us understand certain management functions in depth. I do not agree with some elements in Taylor’s scientific approach as to the difference in managerial work to Fayol’s theory which consists or a system of order. I believe that even in the ‘mish mash’ of overall managerial activities, there is a system of order and a logical process followed for each activity performed.However it is clear, that these theories are a product of evaluation on the initial Fayol’s classical theory. Therefore I believe Fayol’s classical approach still holds precedent, for purpose of managerial study and educational purposes. ? Reference list Brunsson, K. H, (2008), Some Effects of Fayolism, Int. Studies of Mgt. & Org. , 38, (1), 30-47 Carroll, S. J & Gillen, J. G, (1987), Are the Classical Management Functions useful in describing Managerial work? , Academy of Management review, 12, (1), 38-51
Friday, January 3, 2020
Essay on CWV101 - 914 Words
Mark 8:29 Worksheet Lily Smithers CWV-101 7/14/15 Ana torres Please address each question below with complete sentences and clear, specific explanation. The total word count of your writing should be between 750-1,250 words. 1. Select one teaching of Jesus from one of the following Bible verses: Matthew 5:21-24, Matthew 5:43-48, Matthew 6:19-24, Matthew 7:15-23, Luke 15:1-32, John 13:1-17 34-35, John 15:1-11. Answer the following questions: a. What was Jesus’ point in the teaching? In Matthew 5:43-48, Jesus is teaching that In Matthew 5:21-24, Jesus addresses his followers and states that killing someone is subjected to the judgment. This is a thought, which we all understand in the society because taking someone’s life is directly†¦show more content†¦What is the significance of this claim? In Mark 2:1-12, the story of healing of a paralytic man is told. Jesus heals this man in front of so-called non-believers in His power. In fact, when He poses the question that â€Å"Why are you thinking these things? Which is easier: to say to this paralyzed man, ‘Your sins are forgiven,’ or to say, ‘Get up, take your mat and walk’? (Mark 2:1-12) There are symbolic reflections of this rhetorical question. On the one hand, Jesus justifies that it is preferable to forgive the sins to heal someone directly. He conveys the message that being the Son of Man, he has the authority and ministry to ‘forgive’ the sins of that paralytic man, however, instead of approaching the healing or the removal of physical ailment, he deals with the matter impressively because he has to give a message to the non-believers in God’s power. He clearly mentions that men have the power to forgive because this ability is God’s virtue. Man is the live reflect ion of God and thus, he can perform the act of forgiveness and become great in life. The important aspect of this story is to show before the people that Jesus has been born with an authority to heal, cure or forgive people and thus, he is passing the message of God to the entire humankind. 3. How would you personally answer Jesus’ question,Show MoreRelatedChristian World View598 Words  | 3 PagesCrystal Cook April 12, 2012 CWV101-Crawford Family Television Review The situation comedy that highlights family values and functions for this Family Television Review is the show called The Parkers. The name of the family is The Parkers which is a family with a single mother and a daughter both attending college. Observations of the family lead me to the conclusion that their worldview is between a naturalism and secular worldview. While watching the show The Parkers I have observe thatRead MorePersonal Theology Reflection Paper1605 Words  | 7 PagesNicole Hines 1 7/30/2017 CWV101 Eric Hernando God Through My Eyes Vast, all-knowing, creator, so much more. 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